Hi! Thank you, happy you like it!
What kind of board (or breadboard) are you prototyping on? Not sure how useful for you is to see this as you may need to use different kind of caps, maybe not even SMD.
The caps are commonly placed on mic or line inputs to remove DC voltage and let only AC signal through, I made these experiments on the custom PCB - the last picture
here shows the bottom side and the 220nF caps.
Firmware - well I have what is shown in the demo there, if I remember correctly it's a binary compiled to use line-in instead of mics and there was no control to switch it - haven't worked on it since however the code base is shared with Gecho where these options already exist - eventually I will enable them in Glo as well, where they make sense. That will probably happen later this year when I'll get a chance to move on with this model - because eventually I'd like to design a single-PCB pocket synth with touch keyboard like this board uses.
As for SD, you can use any slot you want - signals compatible with Glo board you have are as shown
here, however this is not the most fortunate solution as it only works with 1-bit SPI mode, and is slower than what can be achieved with ESP32 if you use full 4-bit SDIO mode. It is good enough to load-store data - patches, configuration, samples to load to memory and play, even to build a mp3 player (ESP32 has enough power for that) but not to read/write wav files at a higher sampling rate.
Mic and line-out (if not wired differentially), yes, same AGND.