The source project in OnShape is here (you need to create an account to edit it).
Exported files are below, you may need to right click and "save link as":
STL file: Gecho_v2_shell_case_93x68.5mm.stlThe GCODE file is configured for my low-cost 3D printer and may not work well in yours, or it may print too slowly (5-6 hours, it has raft adhesion support). Please use your own slicer instead.
Exported STL file is below, you may need to right click and "save link as":
STL file: Gecho_v2_shell_case_92x67.5mm.stlThe GCODE file is configured for my low-cost 3D printer and may not work well in yours, or it may print too slowly (4-5 hours, it has skirt adhesion support). Please use your own slicer instead.
If you want to print your own version of the panels for the v2 board, below are all 3 STL files that were used during prototyping. You may need to right click and "save link as":
Front panel: Gecho_v2_acrylic_sandwich_front_panel.stl